Business logo on event program
10x10 vendor spot in spectator area
Business logo on every preordered event t-shirt
Gift bag
8 VIP event tickets to include seating, dinner, and backstage access (valid both days of sponsored event)
Stage mentions during the sponsored event
2x4 banner (you provide) in parking area during the sponsored event
3x5 banner (you provide) at venue entrance during the sponsored event
18”x24” yard sign (you provide) in parking area entrance for the duration of the sponsored event
(2) 3x5 banners (you provide) in spectator area during the sponsored event
Will be included in ALL advertisements (internet, physical, radio, etc.)
Business logo on website (to include live link), social media, and email blasts
prior to and during the sponsored event. Will also be included in post event email blasts. -
(2) interviews with your representative during show to promote your business.